Tråd: DOVADO UMR 4.1.0 Firmware!
This firmware broadens a lot of features that are presently available, especially around Home Automation and GPS Positioning. Combining both, we have introduced sunrise/sunset event scheduling. This is useful for those of you who are fed up with manually alternating the timing schedule of your lights at home. This feature can now control your lights and appliances according to the setting and rising of the Sun. We also added time margins (before/after sunrise/sunset). As this feature is dependent on geography, you are required either enter a position manually or to use the GPS. You can do this on the POSITION->SETTINGS page.
In addition to this, you will also notice that we have improved the speed when it comes to switching between the router's configuration webpages.
And as always, lots of new modems! Lately, we have put a lot of effort in supporting 21Mbps, and to date we support nearly every model that has been made available to the public. Demo videos are available on our YouTube