Info om CMOS sensorn om infon på ebay stämmer: … 122lqj.pdf
Sen står det: Optical X10 Zoom Lens så det skall inte vara digital bogus zoom.
Exempelbilder 1X och nedan 10X, ser helt ok ut skulle jag säga.
Pan Tilt
Protocol, Baudrate Pelco-D, 4800bps (fixed)
Movement speed Horizontal: 0.5º~120º/S, Vertical: 0.5º~60º/S
Movement range Pan: 360º endless, Tilt: 0º~90º
Auto-flip Auto-flip 180 º when vertical 90º
Moving speed auto-control The moving speed of the Pan/tilt is automatically controlled by the zoom ratio of the camera module
Left & right scan Can be set freely between two points. Low, medium, high 3 grades moving speed optional
Preset position 128
Tour 1 tour, 16 preset positions can be included in the tour, dwelling time at each preset position can be set.
Rain wiper Open/ Close
Gillar prylar, 2G/3G/4G, den som har mest prylar när den dör vinner!