Tråd: Nystart för mobilt bredband över satellit till Europas glesbygder
Två nya satelliter skjuts upp och fler kommer. Download på 10 mbit/s förutses. Vajert då får man ha med sig en parabol på skidturen i fjällen dit Net1 inte når. … .html?_r=1
Fast det hänger ju på vilken täckning över marken satelliten får.
Pacôme Révillon, chief executive of Euroconsult, a consultant that specializes in digital broadcasting, predicts that there will be about one million satellite broadband customers across Europe by 2014
Från annan källa:
Though Avanti (HYLAS1) and Eutelsat (KaSat) will work through Internet service providers, rather than selling directly to consumers, Mr. Williams said he expected basic packages of his company"™s service to start at about €25 a month. That is lower than prices for some of the existing, sluggish satellite services available in Europe, but still slightly higher than comparable land-based offerings.
The HYLAS1 service will be resold by local ISPs in the different European countries, and the satellite will be followed in a year"™s time by HYLAS2.
About 25 percent of the capacity of HYLAS1 has been sold, and Williams predicts that it will take about three years to fill up.
As HYLAS1 can serve around 300,000 homes, and there are about 30 million without decent broadband in Europe, there is plenty of scope in the market, which is just as well, since in December, another provider, Eutelsat, is planning to launch Ka-Sat, a satellite with European coverage
Tänkvärt om pingtid som försvårar för World of warcraft spel men inte krigföring med droner:
"œLatency is a fact of life derived from the laws of physics, and every form of technology has a latency factor," said Williams. The 36,000 mile journey to the satellite adds about 400ms to the latency.
However, while a ping of 400 to 600ms might rule out online games like World of Warcraft, Williams says it is good enough for the real thing: "œThe military is using a Ka-band satellite to pilot and control aerial vehicles doing actual fighting," he said.
Och för nedladdarna som gömmer sig i buskarna: Likewise the usage allowances often leave much to be desired.