1 Senaste redigerad av PerlanSwed (2012-04-22 11:59:54)

Tråd: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN

Har min 4GR FW 6.0.0 på WAN fiber.

Men får inte rätt tid i routern. Tiden som visas är 2000-01-01 02:00. Kör Tellstick så rätt tid behövs...

Har provat olika NTP server samt standard inställning. Startat om routern vid varje förändring men tiden är fortfarande fel.

Har även en Synology 211J med en nätverkskamera som nu strular. Har inte haft några problem med min tidigare Linksys router. När jag nu scannar efter kamera kan inte Synology hitta den på det interna nätet. Jag har fasta IP på kamera och 211J.

Har ni några tips?
Tack på förhand


Sv: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN

gör en reset av routern om inget hjälper som sista steg men kolla detta först :

bridgemode avstängt ?

kopplat wan på wan porten och inte på någon av de fyra lan portarna?
går det att surfa ut via/från routern? routern hämtar tiden via NTP som du redan vet..
rätt subnät router / kameror m.m.?
kört utan något annat anslutet än wanporten, tiden då?

om detta är ok, och reset inte hjälper - kontakta dovado support via deras webbsida.



Sv: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN

Fixed! http://www.dovado.com/firmware (6.0.1)


Sv: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN

Didn't fix it for me sad

I just upgraded directly to 6.0.1 from 5.0.16 and the time settings are set to 2000-01-01 02:00 at restart.

I also use the Tellstick, so all the scheduled events are a bit of a mess sad

The release notes of 6.0.1, just mention that "- Fix for NTP when using Ethernet WAN (4GR)".

I'm not using the Ethernet WAN but a Huawai E372 USB modem ( Does that mean the problem still exists for those that don't connect via WAN?


Sv: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN

tfi_friday skrev:

Didn't fix it for me sad

I just upgraded directly to 6.0.1 from 5.0.16 and the time settings are set to 2000-01-01 02:00 at restart.

I also use the Tellstick, so all the scheduled events are a bit of a mess sad

The release notes of 6.0.1, just mention that "- Fix for NTP when using Ethernet WAN (4GR)".

I'm not using the Ethernet WAN but a Huawai E372 USB modem ( Does that mean the problem still exists for those that don't connect via WAN?

dovado routers do not have a internal clock, but relys on that it is able to get the correct time from the internet connection.
otherwise the time is counted from the date as you describes.
and, yes it makes automation a bit buggy.
the simplest solution to always have correkt time is to setup a NTP deamon on you lan.


Sv: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN

G-Man skrev:

dovado routers do not have a internal clock, but relys on that it is able to get the correct time from the internet connection.
otherwise the time is counted from the date as you describes.
and, yes it makes automation a bit buggy.
the simplest solution to always have correkt time is to setup a NTP deamon on you lan.

I've a raspberry Pi running 24/7 I'll see if I can get an NTP server installed on to it tonight. Mind you i doesn't have an internal clock yet, but I think there is a expansion board for it.

Thanks for the tip!


Sv: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN


You don't have to go to such lengths. For now, just go to the SYSTEM->DNS menu and enter the following Custom DNS servers:


Save & Restart.



Sv: Fel router tid & datum 4GR + WAN

Yep that helped alot smile

Anyway, I played around a bit with the settings and what I noticed was that the default DNS server I get was always ns3.hi3gaccess.se ( So I added that address to the Custom DNS server position 2 and the address of ns.hi3gaccess.se ( in the first position and get great results.

10 successful restarts in a row... with both NTP and DDNS working as expected, but as soon as I don't use custom setting it doesn't work.

I wonder if it's a problem with ns3.hi3gaccess.se being slower than ns.hi3gaccess.se??
